Sunday, November 22, 2015

Cervantes Theatre

The Cervantes Theatre is located on Paseo de Almería, which runs from the Puerta de Purchena to the sea. It is one of the main streets of the capital.
It was built in 1898 by architect Enrique López Rull and could not be finalized until 1921 due to financial problems.
This theater has seen many events throughout its history, the most impacting in the city of Almeria was the murder in his setting of the famous actress Concha Robles and the boy Manuel Aguilar in 1922. All the national press eco-called crimes of Cervantes theater was.
The television program "Cuarto Milenio", which studies the paranormal activity, made a report on the possible existence of ghosts in the theater, especially after the assassination that took place there.
Throughout the nineteenth century Almeria staged a major economic boom resulting from the exploitation of its mineral and agricultural resources. The idea of building the Companies Circle arose from the need for a center to be able to meet to coordinate and control the economy of the region.
In 1887 the Companies Circle emerges as an entity. The building of the Mercantile Circle comes at the same time as the Teatro Cervantes. For its construction, which it will house the two entities, in 1862 a group of businessmen and politicians decide Almeria raise funds to create a society (1864) that made the project possible.$FILE/Sal%C3%B3nNobleC%C3%ADrculoMercantil.jpg

The Noble Hall, located on the first floor, was decorated in the style adamesco due to the name of its creators, brothers and British architects Robert, John, James and William Adam. The decoration was entrusted to the Valencian Timothy Villalba (1920). Currently, it is used for meetings, dances and other events.
Other prominent areas of the Mercantile Circle is its library. In some of their windows unquestionable historical and anecdotal value documents are collected. Among them, we can mention some of the first shares issued to finance the construction of the Teatro Cervantes and one of the propaganda leaflets announcing the disastrous performance of the play "St. Elizabeth of Ceres.", where it was murdered the famous actress Conchita Almeria Robles.

Next to the Teatro Cervantes, we can find the "Walk of Fame" with stars of various famous people in the film industry as it is shown in the following photographs.$FILE/12-11-2014Ram%C3%B3nyMar%C3%ADaV%C3%A1zquezestrellaClavius4.jpg
VÍDEO Conan en Almería: la visita de Schwarzenegger

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