Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Cathedral

It is a cathedral-fortress of the seventeenth century, Gothic and Renaissance building portals, which was built for both worship and defense of the attacks made on the city by the Barbary pirates. Construction of the Cathedral began in order of Fray Diego Fernandez de Villalán, bishop of Almeria, after the earthquake of 1522. Although the predominant styles in the Cathedral are Gothic and Renaissance, also it has elements from baroque and neoclassical .

The Cathedral of Almería includes Main Gate Renaissance made in 1567, the Gate of Pardons and Renaissance style also made in 1569, the altar neoclassical work of Ventura Rodriguez, made in the      eighteenth century, the Chapel of Santo Cristo of complete Renaissance style in 1560, the Chapel of Mercy    Renaissance style, the Chapel of San Indalecio Renaissance made in 1562, the Renaissance Choir with two  baroque and neoclassical Trascoro bodies ended in 1772.

Side door of the cathedral

It is a high relief depicting an anthropomorphic sun surrounded by garlands and appears carved in the front wall of the funerary chapel of Bishop Diego Fernandez de Villalán in Almeria Cathedral, built during in the sixteenth century.
The symbol of the city of Almeria is the "so-called" Sol de Portocarrero. It is known to have existed since the sixteenth century and since then greets the dawn every morning thus becoming one of the main images of Almeria.
It seems that the idea came from the stonemasons and cathedral builders. It could be an occult pagan symbol housed in a Christian cathedral.

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