Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Central Market

The Central Market of Almeria is located near Purchena Gate, specifically in Rambla Obispo Orberá.It is a building designed by architect Antonio Martinez Perez 18921. It is a highlight of the iron architecture of late nineteenth century example. The facade facing the street Aguilar de Campo, there is a female figure holding a fruit basket, considered a symbol of abundance.


The market surrounding area is fully pedestrianized and the building can be accessed through any of its four ports that correspond to the four facades.

On the first floor there are meat specialties stalls and stalls of fruit and vegetables. The basement level is where the fisheries are located.

This is the RAF tomato, that grows only in Almeria. It has an excepcional flavor!!

The market has remained virtually intact until today except for two reforms. In 1982 it was conducted a major restoration. Also in 2009, it was undertook a modernization reform adapting the present structure of the economic and commercial reality of today.


Here we have a flashmob from the Orchestra of the City of Almeria (O.C.A.L.) that took place on February 15, 2014 under the Michael Thomas´ baton.